Hostel allocation for session 2023-24 for Students
Students not getting marks in any subject during Odd Semester 2022-23 (Regular/Back/Special Back) Examinations are required to fill their details in the Google Form as per given link upto 23/07/2023, so the details can be send to University on 24/07/2023 …
The students who are interested in revaluation of answer sheets shown after 01/07/2023 kindly mail to upto 20/07/2023 mentioning the Roll no, name, semester, date of answer sheet shown, subject name and code, marks obtained. Only the students viewed copy …
Extension of reporting date for third Counseling for B.Tech LE to 19th July 2023
Merit list of Candidate Applied at Samarth Portal(Uttarakhand) for admission in BCA for session 2023-24