Form for missing marks in Even Sem(2022-23)
BTKIT- Alumni Mr. Rajendra Sizwali
List of subjects for B.Tech. III & IV year (Odd sem. 2023-24)
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Form for students securing Zero marks in any Subject in Odd Semester (2022-23) to be filled before 28-08-2023
All the passout students having backlog need to fill this form, for Special Back Exams scheduled in Aug/Sep 2023 before 24 August 2023.
All the students / Pass Out students, who have appeared in the regular/back/Special Back examination in the odd semester (2022-23) and still not received the marks in any subject are required to fill the form upto 24-08-2023
Online Registration in UMS Portal of V.M.S.B, UTU, Dehradun